Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский

he shouted at me

  • 1 shout

    1. noun
    1) (a loud cry or call: He heard a shout.) grito
    2) (a loud burst (of laughter, cheering etc): A shout went up from the crowd when he scored a goal.) grito
    2. verb
    (to say very loudly: He shouted the message across the river; I'm not deaf - there's no need to shout; Calm down and stop shouting at each other.) gritar
    * * *
    [ʃaut] n grito alto. • vt+vi gritar. don’t shout at me! / não grite comigo! they shouted for help / chamaram por socorro. they shouted for their friends / chamaram por seus amigos. he shouted to me / ele gritou para mim. he shouted himself hoarse / ele gritou até perder a voz. it’s my shout this time é minha vez de pedir uma rodada. to shout a person down abafar a voz de uma pessoa (com gritos). to shout out gritar repentinamente. to shout something from the housetops espalhar aos quatro ventos. you don’t have to shout it from the housetops / não deve espalhá-lo aos quatro ventos.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > shout

  • 2 at

    1) (position: They are not at home; She lives at 33 Forest Road) em
    2) (direction: He looked at her; She shouted at the boys.) para
    3) (time: He arrived at ten o'clock; The children came at the sound of the bell.) a
    4) (state or occupation: The countries are at war; She is at work.) em
    5) (pace or speed: He drove at 120 kilometres per hour.) a
    6) (cost: bread at $1.20 a loaf.) a
    * * *
    [æt, ət] prep 1 em, no(s), na(s), perto de, sobre, junto a. she lives at Mrs. Smith’s / ela mora na casa da Sra. Smith. 2 na direção de, para, a, até. he ran at her with a knife / ele correu para ela com uma faca (com intenção de ferir). he threw the ball at me / ele atirou a bola na minha direção (com intenção de agredir). 3 no lugar de, na condição de, na situação de. 4 em tempo determinado (agora, então). 5 através de, por meio de, por intermédio de. 6 ocupado com, em vias de, com vistas para. 7 por causa de, pela razão de, a fim de. 8 por, cada. I shall talk to one at a time / vou falar com um por vez. 9 de acordo com, à vontade de, segundo, conforme. 10 por parte de, oriundo de. 11 usada como algo visto de um ponto no espaço. at the door / à porta. at the shop / na loja. at the bus stop / no ponto de ônibus. at the baker’s (shop) / na padaria. to arrive at / chegar a. 12 usada como um ponto no tempo. at 10 o’clock / às dez horas. at Christmas / no Natal. at the moment / no momento. at that time / naquele tempo. at the close, at the opening / no fechamento, na abertura (do pregão da bolsa de valores). 13 usada com um propósito ou objetivo para o qual a ação é dirigida. he shouted at me / ele gritou comigo (com raiva). to shoot, aim, hit at / atirar contra, apontar para, acertar em. to rush at / lançar-se sobre. 14 usada com palavras, ações ou idéias provocadas por sentimentos. I was angry at John / fiquei zangado com John. pleased at / satisfeito com. alarmed at / inquieto, preocupado. sick at heart / aflito. 15 usada em relação a uma situação de julgamento. to be good at mathematics / ser bom em matemática. 16 usada antes de superlativos. at best, at the best / na melhor das hipóteses. at worst, at the worst / na pior das hipóteses. 17 antes de certos substantivos para expressar estado, condição, sentimento. at work / no trabalho. at school / na escola. at liberty / desempregado. 18 usada com preços. at ten cents each / a dez centavos cada. at any price / a qualquer preço. at half the price / pela metade do preço. at par / ao par, ao valor nominal, sem ágio. 19 usada antes de classe, grau, ordem, posição, velocidade. at first / a princípio. at ten miles per hour / a dez milhas por hora. 20 usada antes de idade. at (the age of) 20 / aos 20 anos. 21 usada antes de indicação de níveis. the water stopped rising at 70 feet / a água parou de subir a 70 pés. at home a) em casa, em sua pátria. b) versado, bem experimentado.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > at

  • 3 abuse

    1. [ə'bju:z] verb
    1) (to use wrongly, usually with harmful results: She abused her privileges by taking too long a holiday.) abusar
    2) (to insult or speak roughly to: She abused the servants.) insultar
    2. [ə'bju:s] noun
    1) (insulting language: He shouted abuse at her.) insulto
    2) (the wrong use of something: This toy has been subjected to a lot of abuse.) maltrato
    - abusively
    - abusiveness
    * * *
    [əbj'u:s] n 1 abuso, mau uso, uso excessivo. 2 tratamento áspero ou brutal de uma pessoa. 3 injúria, insulto, linguagem ofensiva. 4 corrupção, depravação. 5 abuses contrariedades. • [əbj'u:z] vt 1 abusar, usar mal. 2 maltratar, prejudicar. 3 injuriar, insultar, ofender. a crying abuse um abuso gritante.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > abuse

  • 4 chorus

    ['ko:rəs] 1. plural - choruses; noun
    1) (a group of singers: the festival chorus.) coro
    2) (a group of singers and dancers in a musical show.) coro
    3) (part of a song repeated after each verse: The audience joined in the chorus.) refrão
    4) (something said or shouted by a number of people together: He was greeted by a chorus of cheers.) coro
    2. verb
    (to sing or say together: The children chorused `Goodbye, Miss Smith'.) dizer em coro
    * * *
    [k'ɔ:rəs] n 1 coro: a) conjunto de cantores. b) composição musical para coro. c) trecho de hino que se repete. 2 Na Grécia antiga, grupo de atores e cantores. • vt+vi cantar ou falar em coro. in chorus em coro, todos juntos.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > chorus

  • 5 echo

    ['ekəu] 1. plural - echoes; noun
    (the repeating of a sound caused by its striking a surface and coming back: The children shouted loudly in the cave so that they could hear the echoes.) eco
    2. verb
    1) (to send back an echo or echoes: The cave was echoing with shouts; The hills echoed his shout.) ecoar
    2) (to repeat (a sound or a statement): She always echoes her husband's opinion.) repetir
    * * *
    ['ekou] n (pl echoes) eco: 1 repetição de som, repercussão. 2 fig imitador. 3 Mus repetição de um som ou de uma frase. • vt+vi 1 ecoar: a) ressoar. b) repetir, repercutir. 2 fig arremedar. to cheer to the echo aplaudir calorosamente.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > echo

  • 6 glee

    (great delight: The children shouted with glee when they saw their presents.) júbilo
    - gleefully
    * * *
    [gli:] n 1 alegria, divertimento. 2 canção para três ou mais vozes, cânon.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > glee

  • 7 hands up!

    (raise your hands above your head: `Hands up!' shouted the gunman.) mãos ao ar!
    * * *
    hands up!
    [hændz '∧p] interj mãos ao alto!
    hands up!
    mãos ao alto!

    English-Portuguese dictionary > hands up!

  • 8 hoarse

    1) ((of voices, shouts etc) rough; harsh: a hoarse cry; His voice sounds hoarse.) rouco
    2) (having a hoarse voice, usually because one has a cold or cough, or because one has been shouting: You sound hoarse - have you a cold?; The spectators shouted themselves hoarse.) rouco
    * * *
    [hɔ:s] adj 1 rouco. 2 áspero.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > hoarse

  • 9 megaphone

    (a funnel-shaped device for speaking through, that causes sounds to be made louder and/or sent in a given direction: He shouted instructions to the crowd through a megaphone.) alto-falante
    * * *
    [m'egəfoun] n megafone.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > megaphone

  • 10 obscenity

    - plural obscenities - noun (an obscene act or word(s): He shouted obscenities at the police.) obscenidade
    * * *
    [əbs'i:niti] n obscenidade, indecência, imoralidade.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > obscenity

  • 11 rage

    [rei‹] 1. noun
    1) ((a fit of) violent anger: He flew into a rage; He shouted with rage.) fúria
    2) (violence; great force: the rage of the sea.) fúria
    2. verb
    1) (to act or shout in great anger: He raged at his secretary.) gritar
    2) ((of wind, storms etc) to be violent; to blow with great force: The storm raged all night.) soprar
    3) ((of battles, arguments etc) to be carried on with great violence: The battle raged for two whole days.) prosseguir com violência
    4) ((of diseases etc) to spread quickly and affect many people: Fever was raging through the town.) grassar
    - all the rage
    - the rage
    * * *
    [reidʒ] n 1 raiva, ira, furor, fúria. 2 violência, intensidade extrema. 3 desejo ou entusiasmo violento. 4 êxtase. 5 fig moda, voga, capricho, mania. • vi 1 enfurecer-se, enraivecer-se, encolerizar-se. 2 assolar, devastar. all the rage a moda, o objeto desejado por todos. the rage for money a avidez, volúpia pelo dinheiro. to be in a rage estar furioso.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > rage

  • 12 stamp

    [stæmp] 1. verb
    1) (to bring (the foot) down with force (on the ground): He stamped his foot with rage; She stamped on the insect.) bater
    2) (to print or mark on to: He stamped the date at the top of his letter; The oranges were all stamped with the exporter's name.) carimbar
    3) (to stick a postage stamp on (a letter etc): I've addressed the envelope but haven't stamped it.) selar
    2. noun
    1) (an act of stamping the foot: `Give it to me!' she shouted with a stamp of her foot.) batida
    2) (the instrument used to stamp a design etc on a surface: He marked the date on the bill with a rubber date-stamp.) carimbo
    3) (a postage stamp: He stuck the stamps on the parcel; He collects foreign stamps.) selo
    4) (a design etc made by stamping: All the goods bore the manufacturer's stamp.) marca
    * * *
    [stæmp] n 1 ato de bater (o pé), batida de pé. 2 pilão (para britar pedra). 3 britador, moinho. 4 carimbo, cunho, timbre, sinete. 5 marca, impressão, matriz, timbre, selo. his work bears the stamp of genius / sua obra mostra o cunho do gênio. 6 selo, estampilha. to put a stamp on the letter / selar a carta. 7 expressão, sinal, traço. 8 tipo, caráter, temperamento, espécie. he set his stamp upon his period / ele imprimiu seu caráter à sua época. • vt+vi 1 bater o pé (com força). 2 andar com passos pesados. 3 gravar, fixar (na memória). 4 bater, esmagar, pisar, quebrar, britar. 5 imprimir, estampar, gravar, cunhar. it was stamped on his mind / estava gravado na sua memória. 6 caracterizar, identificar, carimbar. that stamped him as a fool / isso o caracterizou como tolo. 7 selar, estampilhar. 8 recortar com punção. a woman of her stamp uma mulher do seu caráter. food stamp vale alimentação. rubber stamp carimbo de borracha. to stamp down pisar, apagar pisando. to stamp out a) estampar. b) fig aniquilar, erradicar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > stamp

  • 13 lose one's temper

    (to show anger: He lost his temper and shouted at me.) perder a calma

    English-Portuguese dictionary > lose one's temper

  • 14 open up

    1) (to open (a shop etc): I open up the shop at nine o'clock every morning.) abrir
    2) (to open (a box etc) completely: He opened up the parcel.) abrir
    3) (to open the (main) door of a building etc: `Open up!' shouted the policeman. `We know you are in there!') abrir

    English-Portuguese dictionary > open up

  • 15 roll up

    1) (to form into a roll: to roll up the carpet; He rolled up his sleeves.) enrolar
    2) (to arrive: John rolled up ten minutes late.) chegar
    3) ((especially shouted to a crowd at a fair etc) to come near: Roll up! Roll up! Come and see the bearded lady!) aproximar-se

    English-Portuguese dictionary > roll up

  • 16 short and sweet

    His reply was short and sweet: `Get out!' he shouted.) directo

    English-Portuguese dictionary > short and sweet

  • 17 abuse

    1. [ə'bju:z] verb
    1) (to use wrongly, usually with harmful results: She abused her privileges by taking too long a holiday.) abusar de
    2) (to insult or speak roughly to: She abused the servants.) insultar
    2. [ə'bju:s] noun
    1) (insulting language: He shouted abuse at her.) insulto, injúria
    2) (the wrong use of something: This toy has been subjected to a lot of abuse.) maus-tratos
    - abusively - abusiveness

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > abuse

  • 18 at

    1) (position: They are not at home; She lives at 33 Forest Road) em
    2) (direction: He looked at her; She shouted at the boys.) para
    3) (time: He arrived at ten o'clock; The children came at the sound of the bell.) a
    4) (state or occupation: The countries are at war; She is at work.) em
    5) (pace or speed: He drove at 120 kilometres per hour.) a
    6) (cost: bread at $1.20 a loaf.) a

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > at

  • 19 chorus

    ['ko:rəs] 1. plural - choruses; noun
    1) (a group of singers: the festival chorus.) coro
    2) (a group of singers and dancers in a musical show.) coro
    3) (part of a song repeated after each verse: The audience joined in the chorus.) refrão
    4) (something said or shouted by a number of people together: He was greeted by a chorus of cheers.) coro
    2. verb
    (to sing or say together: The children chorused `Goodbye, Miss Smith'.) cantar/dizer em coro

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > chorus

  • 20 echo

    ['ekəu] 1. plural - echoes; noun
    (the repeating of a sound caused by its striking a surface and coming back: The children shouted loudly in the cave so that they could hear the echoes.) eco
    2. verb
    1) (to send back an echo or echoes: The cave was echoing with shouts; The hills echoed his shout.) ecoar
    2) (to repeat (a sound or a statement): She always echoes her husband's opinion.) ecoar

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > echo

См. также в других словарях:

  • Shouted — Shout Shout (shout), v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Shouted}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Shouting}.] [OE. shouten, of unknown origin; perhaps akin to shoot; cf. Icel. sk[=u]ta, sk[=u]ti, a taunt.] 1. To utter a sudden and loud outcry, as in joy, triumph, or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • shouted — adjective in a vehement outcry his shouted words of encouragement could be heard over the crowd noises • Syn: ↑yelled • Similar to: ↑loud …   Useful english dictionary

  • shouted — ʃaÊŠt n. yell, scream, loud cry v. yell, scream, call out loudly …   English contemporary dictionary

  • shouted at him — raised his voice at him, yelled at him …   English contemporary dictionary

  • shouted at the top of his voice — screamed at the top of his lungs, screamed as loudly as he could …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Whispered and Shouted — Infobox Album Name = Whispered and Shouted Type = studio Artist = Aaron Shust Released = June 5, 2007 Recorded = Genre = CCM, Christian rockcite web |url=http://www.allmusic.com/cg/amg.dll?p=amg sql=10:gvfqxz85ld6e |title=Whispered and Shouted… …   Wikipedia

  • The Beast that Shouted Love at the Heart of the World — is a short story collection by Harlan Ellison published in 1969. It contains one of the author s most famous stories A Boy and His Dog , which was adapted into a film of the same name. The Beast That Shouted Love at the Heart of the World won the …   Wikipedia

  • The Beast that Shouted Love at the Heart of the World (short story) — The Beast that Shouted Love at the Heart of the World is a 1968 science fiction short story by Harlan Ellison. It won the Hugo Award for Best Short Story in 1969.Cite web url=http://www.thehugoawards.org/?page id=50 title=1969 Hugo Awards… …   Wikipedia

  • half-shouted — adj. * * * …   Universalium

  • half-shouted — adj …   Useful english dictionary

  • cried for help — shouted out so as to receive aid …   English contemporary dictionary

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